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2016- 2017 Student Privacy

The Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) and Evangeline Parish School System (the LEA) are committed to protecting student data. In compliance with Louisiana Act 677, Evangeline Parish School District will provide information relative to active district contracts and data elements associated with each application. The documents listed are the current approved addendums and/or agreements utilized by the district/schools with student information. The Evangeline Parish School Board is authorized to share this information through Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E and FERPA. 


Additionally the legislature passed, Act 837, which provides for limitations and prohibitions on the collection and sharing of student information.


In compliance with Louisiana Act 677, Evangeline Parish School District provides this listing of all vendors in which PII information is shared for the specific purposes delineated in the chart below. 


Parents of eighth grade Students: Please note that Act 837 requires parental consent to share student PII data with the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance and Board of Regents for students to be considered for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS). 


Individuals with complaints involving the sharing of student personally identifiable information (PII) may complete the "Evangeline Parish School System Student Privacy Complaint Form" and submit to the Office of Assistant Superintendent at 1123 Te Mamou Rd. Ville Platte, LA 70586. 




Data Elements Transferred


Affiliated Blind of Louisiana Training Center

Student Assessment and Training 

Personal contact information for the student and family; student eye report, primary teacher contact information 

Profile Form



Privacy Agreement 



Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Clever Inc.

(Vendor contracted by TenMarks to upload student data for use with their program) 

Data Integration and single sign on

Basic student demographic and rostering data 

Profile Form



Privacy Agreement

EDgear – Jcampus

EDgear provides the student information management system for the district

Student Full Name, Student ID Number, Gender, Grade Level, Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Language, Scores from State Assessments, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Special Education Information, Attendance, Discipline Information, Grades, Medical Information, Email Address, Lunch Status, Social Security Number

 Privacy Addendum

Voyager Sopris Learning


Voyager Learning provides an application for teachers to input assessment data to monitor student progress in the program.

Student Name, Student ID, Grade, Teacher, School, and Date of Birth

Profile Form 


Privacy Addendum 

Louisiana High School Athletic Association

LHSAA is the governing body for high school sports in the State of Louisiana. It oversees all eligibility, team and competition rules and regulations regarding high school sports.


The information is used to review each athlete’s eligibility status.



Full Name, Date of Birth, Address, Grade Level, Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number, Medical History


Audio Optical Systems of Austin

Kurzweil Educational Software provides integrated literacy, text to speech software.


Student Data Deemed necessary at School Level ; Only data required for the setup of the system is requested (Student First/Last Name, Student ID number)

Profile Form 


Privacy Agreement


Unique Learning System (ULS)

N2Y has Software as a Service (SaaS) Offerings in the form of Applications through browser versions. The applications provide educational tools with curriculum, supporting content and a symbol library

Student Directory Information

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Renaissance Learning Inc. (RLI)

K-12 educational software (reading, math, writing), progress- monitoring and formative assessment software, instructional materials and supplies, library materials and supplies, professional development and consulting

Full Name, Student ID Number, Gender, Grade Level, AR Test Scores, School Enrollment, Class Schedule

 Profile Form



Privacy Agreement 


Gaggle provides Gaggle Staff Email and Collaboration Tool Accounts to the district

Staff Email and Collaboration Tool Data

 Privacy Agreement 


 Profile Form

Herff Jones, LLC

Yearbooks and related products

Full student name, graduation year, class, clubs, activities, awards and recognitions

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Life Touch

Lifetouch National School Studios Inc., (Lifetouch), produces and delivers to school the portrait-based products and services needed for the school’s administrative purposes and/or for use in the school yearbook.

Full Name, Student ID Number, School Enrollment, Grade Level, Schedule Information

 Privacy Agreement 


 Edgenuity is a research based video course curriculum, which offers more than 185 semester-equivalent core and elective online courses for students in grades 6-12. Edgenuity can be used as core curriculum, for intervention, to recover credits, to prepare for standardized assessment and prep for some AP programs. 

 Student First and Last Name, Grade Level, Student Scores, Progress Reports and Final Grades 

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement

Evangeline Parish District Attorney's Office

 Child Welfare/ Attendance

 Information relevant to compulsory school attendance and truancy laws 

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Explore Learning, LLC

The mission of Explore Learning, LLC is to improve student learning in math and science through best in class online solutions. Explore learning is an online educational program for math/science  and math fact fluency. 


 Profile Form 


Privacy Agreement 

 Moby Max

MobyMax is for all students. Moby's adaptive curriculum creates a unique, individualized education plan for each student, allowing gifted students to progress as quickly as they like while simultaneously ensuring that remedial students get the extra instruction they need.

 Student Names, Student ID number


Profile Form


Privacy Agreement

United States Navy

Navy Awareness

Full Name, Current Grade Level, Phone Number, Address

Profile Form


Pricacy Agreement 

Health Management Concepts, Inc.

HMC, Inc. is contracted to provide services for the benefit of eligible handicapped students

 Student full name, unique ID, address, Date of Birth 

Privacy Addendum 

Ten Marks





 TenMarks is an Amazon company and its math curriculum was designed by teachers. They designed the program to address each of the new standards. For each standard, students complete short, digital assignments. The program offers real-time intervention as well as video instruction and immediate feedback. Tenmarks designed the curriculum to scaffold student learning so that with each new assignment, students build off of content they mastered in previous assignments.

 Teacher First and Last Name, Email Address, SIS ID, Student First and Last Name, SIS ID, Username, Password, Administrator First and Last Name, Email Address, Class/Section Name, Grade Level, SIS ID 

 Profile Form



Privacy Agreement 

Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. (Heartland School Solutions)

Heartland Payment Systems is responsible for and will settle funds with EPSB; provide the following payment procession solutions to EPSB; web payment solutions, cashiering payment solutions, or IVR payment solutions.


Full Name, School Enrollment, Lunch Balance

 Profile Form 


Privacy Agreement 



ECAA Head Start Program



 Information will be used to prescribe a program for teaching and learning for students with developmental delays.



 Student Identification for use in making referrals for evaluation

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 


Curriculum Associates, LLC




 Built for the Common Core, i-Ready combines a valid and reliable growth measure and individualized instruction in a single online product that saves teachers time at a fraction of the cost of similar products.

Student First/Last Name, Grade Level, School Enrollment , Student ID

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 



First Student





 Bus Route Creation

Electronic Student Data used to prepare bus routes (Student Full Name, Parent/ Guardian Full Name, Address, Parent/ Guardian Contact Information)


Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 



Nystrom Education

Social Studies School Service 

(Active Classroom)

Educational Resources for Active Classroom use

Student first and last name, Student Local ID number, Teacher Name, Class period 

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Follett School Solutions, Inc. 

 Follett's Destiny Library Manager is a complete library management system. It is used to check out and check in student and faculty library books. It is also used for cataloging, inventory, and compiling reports. 

 Student first and last name, grade level, homeroom teacher, graduation year, and student ID number 

Privacy Agreement 


LSU Eunice






 Higher Education/ Post Secondary 

 Board of Regents, LSU

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 


 EverFi, Inc.





 EverFi provides technology courses to teach, assess, and certify students in critical life skills and college readiness.

 First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth 



Class Dojo





 ClassDojo is a simple, safe classroom management app that helps teachers encourage students in class, and easily communicate with parents.

 First Name, Last Name, Class, Grade Level

 Privacy Agreement 


Jostens/The Grad Shoppe Inc. 



 To mail students postcards and letters about their accounts with the company for graducation supplies, class rings, medals, awards, and/or letterman jackets 

 Student full name, address, phone number

 Privacy Agreement


Profile Form 


Crawford Photography

 Pictures for school portraits and JPAMS 


 Student ID, Student First and Last Name, Teacher of Record, Grade Level







 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 



 Grad Shop/Balfour




 This information is needed to inform parents and students about graduation supplies and class rings

 Student full name, address


Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 



Scientific Learning Corporation (Fast Forward)






Fast Forward is online reading intervention that targets foundational phonemic awareness, language, memory, attention, processing and sequencing skills.


 Profile Form



Privacy Agreement



 Provine School Pictures



 Pictures for JPAMS and yearbook if applicable 

 First name, last name, grade, teacher and local student ID 

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement


 Petry Photography, LLC






 To organize students for schoolportraits and yearbook publication 

 Student Name, Student ID, Grade, Homeroom Teacher 

 Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Kolder, Champagne, Slaven & Company, LLC To complete audit of FTE  Accounting records, student information and all records necessary to complete audit

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Life Share Blood Center


Personal Health Information and information obtained during the processing of the blood and blood components will be used to provide quality blood and blood components and related services for use in patients Personal health and other information obtained during the processing of the blood and blood component donation 

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

Parks Community Support Services, Inc.  Life skills training model prevention program- needed for the State of Louisiana, Dept. of Health and Hospitals Data Base Birth date, gender, ethnicity 

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement 

United Blood Services Personal Health Information and information obtained during the processing of the blood and blood components will be used to provide quality blood and blood components and related services for use in patients  Personal health and other information obtained during the processing of the blood and clood component donation

 Profile Form



Privacy Agreement 

Zearn, Inc. Zearn Math is personalized digital lessons for small group teaching based on Eureka Math and Engage NY. Zearn Math is aligned to content standards in which students complete independent digital lessons.  First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Grade, School, Username, and Password

Profile Form




Privacy Agreement  


 ZEARN Privacy Policy 


Evangeline Parish School System currently collects and shares student PII with the Louisiana Department of Education who may share PII with the following vendors for the specific purposes delineated in the chart below. The LDE is guided by Acts 837 and 677 in their contractual agreements and procedures. 


The following are Data Sharing Agreements as directed in Act No. 677. Please see the link below for the Louisiana Department of Education’s data-sharing agreements.




Teaching Strategies 


Addendum           Agreement 

Red-e Set Grow (DSC)

Host and Maintain Developmental Skills Checklist (DSC) data; Evaluates the skills that children developm from Pre-Kindergarten through the end of Kindergarten

Agreement           Addendum 


Host and Maintain SER (Students with IEPs)

Addendum           Agreement

 eScholar LLC


 Addendum          Agreement 

 Carasoft (GOOGLE)



Data Sharing Agreement 










 Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) 

Participation in JAG requires signed parentalconsent. When a student participates in JAG, information will be shared. 


The following student level data will be collected: Name, DOB, Ethnicity, Gender, Address, Email, Phone Number 

 Data Sharing Agreement 


There is no addendum for LEAs to opt into since JAG requires signed parental consent. 

 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. (AEPSi)


 Data Sharing Agreement     Addendum 



 ACT Inc. 

College admissions assessment 

 Addendum  to Data Sharing Agreement 


Data Sharing Agreement 

MMCS (CATE) Career and Technical Education Data will be used to provide a non-exclusive license to State for the use of its Student-Level Career and Technical Education (CATE) Program Offerings software to collect, aggregate and report on student career and technical education activities for schools.

State of Louisiana Department of Education Data Sharing Agreement 


 Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for Non-Summative Assessment

 The following data will be collected for hte purposes of providing services related to and for hte non-summative assessment options/ tools for Grades 3-HS, and ELDA Assessments: 


Louisiana Secure ID, First letter of the first name, First three letters of the last name, day of birth, grade, gender, ethnicity/race, LEP status, 504 status, IEP status and any test accomodations 

 Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement 


Data Sharing Agreement 

 Data Recognition Corporation (DRC)

 Testing Vendor will collect data for prepopulating the following testing information: Louisiana secure ID, first letter of the first name or full name , first three letters of the last name, day of birth or full birthday, grade, gender, ethnicity/race, LEP status, 504 status, IEP status, test accomodation status



Data Sharing Agreement

National Center for Education Statistics 

(National Assessment of Educational Progress/NAEP) 

(Program for International Student Assessment /PISA)

The Program in International Reading Literacy Study / PIRLS) 



Testing to provide information to the public about the academic achievement of elementary and secondary students in the United States on the nation's report card.  NAEP collects information on student performance at the national and state levels. 

NAEP: Student information in grades 4, 8 and 12 in sampled schools will include:

Student first name, student middle name, student last name, month of birth, year of birth and grade level

Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement



Data Sharing Agreement

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES for NAEP, PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, ICILS)


 Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement Addendum


Data Sharing Agreement 


College Board 



Student Name, Last 4 digits of Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Gender, Address, Email, School, Grade or Educational level and expected year of graduation, AP number, Class Enrollment, Assignments/Related Scores, Usernames and passwords with contractor's tools 

Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement 


Data Sharing Agreement 

All concerns and questions related to the LDE MOUs, addendums, student privacy, and the sharing of students’ PII can be submitted to

Please include the following:

  1. First and last name
  2. Phone number
  3. Agreement related to inquiry
  4. Questions/ Concerns 





Darwan Lazard

Evangeline Parish Schools 

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